07841 955357 or 01539 821384 hello@deantaylorproperty.co.uk

Garden landscaping, clearance & Decking

A garden can be so many things – from a space for entertaining and playground for your children, to the source of delicious home-grown vegetables and even a showcase for your home. What is important is that your garden works for you.

Whether yours needs some clearance and TLC, landscaping or even a full re-design, I can help.

So if your lawn needs some love, your hedges are hideous or you’ve got a jungle instead of a garden, give me a call.

Give me a call on 07841 622484 to discuss your requirements.

Dean’s Top Tips for a Wildlife-friendly garden:

1. Select plants that flower at different times through the year to ensure a steady supply of food for bees and other insects.

2.Don’t be too quick to clear up – piles of dead leaves or old logs can provide homes for tiny creatures.

3. Add a water source of some sort – a pond can be a haven for frogs, toads and water-loving insects like dragonflies. NB – if you have small children, ensure even the smallest pond is child-proof or covered. If in doubt, a safer option would be a small ground-level bird bath or water feature fountain, which will still provide be a drinking source for passing wildlife.